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First Time Single Home Seller
As a first time home seller, you should take note of these Seller Profile Our client is a single lady who stays alone. As her parents...
First Time Home Seller
First Time Home Seller December 7, 2020 Should I sell or should I buy a house first? These are common questions that a buyer has in mind,...
Why it is important to Declutter For House Viewing
Why it is important to Declutter For House Viewing December 6, 2020 So there are a few common questions that a Seller usually has, before...
Find the right agent to sell your house
Find the right agent to sell your house December 5, 2020 Client Profile The Chong family sold their condominium and wanted to upgrade to...
Does having more agents increase the probability of a sale
Does having more agents increase the probability of a sale December 4, 2020 Client Profile The Tan family bought an Executive Condominium...
Will a buyers agent help you negotiate the price?
Will a buyers agent help you negotiate the price? December 4, 2020 Client is a Singaporean lady and her SPR husband (Mr and Mrs Belle),...
Selling your low lease HDB
Selling your low lease HDB December 4, 2020 Client is 2 daughters in their late 30s and mother owning a HDB built since the 1973. They...
Buyer gives an offer and realizes seller is bankrupt
Buyer gives an offer and realizes seller is bankrupt December 2, 2020 The Chua family wanted to buy their first matrimonial home. They...
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